Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority Hub - Weitz

Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority Hub

Des Moines, IA

The Weitz Company served as general contractor for the Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority’s (DART) new central transit hub. DART Central Station replaced the outdated Walnut Street Transit Mall with a new, state-of-the-art facility. Not only was this project viewed as a vital improvement to Des Moines public transit, but as an important piece of the continuing effort to revitalize downtown Des Moines.

DART Central Station has been certified LEED Platinum and includes 70 geothermal wells, rooftop photovoltaic panels, a 20,000-gallon cistern for rainwater collection and a high percentage of recycled construction materials, as well as a high percentage of regionally manufactured materials.

The new facility offers some unique features such as exposed glass aggregate polished concrete floors, heated exterior sidewalks and a standing seam zinc roof and wall panel system. The facility also offers many amenities to its new customers, including climate-controlled waiting areas; covered loading platforms; a bicycle storage room; a customer service desk; and a break room for the bus drivers.