A Message from Weitz Management Regarding COVID-19 - Weitz

A Message from Weitz Management Regarding COVID-19

March 30, 2020  /  Blog,

At The Weitz Company, our first priority is the health and safety of our employees, trade partners, clients, site visitors and delivery personnel.  To that end, we are taking important steps and precautions to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).  Company leadership is meeting regularly to review and implement recommendations from the appropriate regulatory agencies including Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Department of Health (DOH) and local, state and federal agencies.  

Below are some of the key interim policies and procedures we are implementing during this time based on what is currently known about the COVID-19 virus.  As this situation progresses or recedes, we will update this guidance accordingly. 

  • International work-related travel and non-essential work-related domestic travel are both on hold.
  • COVID-19 educational materials and CDC postings are being deployed to all jobsites and offices.
  • All offices and jobsites are practicing social distancing measures such as limiting interaction during break periods and working to keep less than ten workers are in a single area at any given time.
  • Employees who are able to work from home have been directed to do so. This ensures the work area is safer for those mission-critical employees who must be onsite to perform their duties.
  • Environmental cleaning efforts have been significantly expanded and include (but are not limited to) regular disinfectant of high touch surfaces, adequate hand washing stations and/or hand sanitizer maintained at all times, additional cleaning of common areas such as bathrooms and daily cleaning of project trailers/offices.
  • No communal food is permitted on project sites until further notice.
  • Each individual must complete a COVID-19 Questionnaire to receive authorization to enter a jobsite or office.

We appreciate the support and efforts of all our employees, partners and clients during this unprecedented time. Together we will continue to Build a Better Way as we maintain our focus on the safety and health of all our people.